28 Mei 2009

10 step Internet Business Online

Starting and operating an Internet business is surprisingly similar to operating any other business. Good business practices, like building the confidence of customers through truthful advertising, providing products and services at a fair price, and developing long-term business relationships, are as applicable to Internet businesses as they are to any other businesses.

Having said that, there are some important differences related to Internet businesses.

  • Low Start-up Costs - When you decide to start a business online, you can do so with as little as a few hundred dollars and a good idea. However, don't be misled into believing that the Internet is an arena for instant riches with little or no effort. Nothing could be further from the truth. Like any business, it takes creativity, planning, money and hard work to be successful.

  • Multiple Skill Requirements - Suddenly it's not enough to simply have a good product or service. To use the Internet effectively, you now need to have or be able to acquire skills in graphic design, web server technology, programming, and a brand new marketing medium, not to mention skills needed in multi-lingual translations, international accounting and legal issues. Fortunately, it is not necessary that you have all this knowledge yourself. With the right combination of strategic partners and associates, all of these skills are easily found, if you know where to look. That's where we come in! We can get you in touch with all the professionals you need to accomplish your task.

  • Endless Marketing Possibilities - The opportunities and ease of fostering strategic alliances to bolster marketing efforts is unsurpassed on the Internet. The reason we see so many cooperative relationships between companies online is that doing so has become so simple and so profitable. The advertising industry has found itself with many more possibilities as well as significantly more competition.

  • Easily Traceable Results - Another byproduct of business on the internet is that tracking potential customers as a group and visitor preferences is an ordinary part of business on the Internet. See Promotion for more on this topic!

  • International Audience - Even if you do not think of your business as an international business, you must recognize that your visitors are likely to be from all over the world. You should consider whether or not you are prepared for international shipping and other transactions with countries other than your own. You should also strongly consider having your website translated onto languages other than English. The percentage of non-US businesses on the Internet has risen dramatically in just the past year! Starting an online business

  • Professional Look - If you are a Web Professional who is planning and designing web pages for others, we have a secret to share with you. It's called the "Proposal Kit". What it's done for our company is help us look more professional, charge higher fees and get paid for all of our work. It's the best investment we have made since we started our business!


CIMG1096Picture Land Endowments

Picture Land Endowments and collection of material

Picture Land Endowments near TKIT's Room
Come on ... let your money exploided a 700-fold and will not be limited only to the limit set by the Almighty. How do I? How invested in charity, infaq, and shodaqoh wakaf. Yes, the investment Hereafter would be change by Almighty 700 times and will be added again until the limit of infinity.

We offer to you and muslimat Muslims, Believers and mukminat for the same fastabiqul khoirot-race - the race in good to invest all your money for the development of the mosque complex in the schools that we manage.

Introduce me is one of the guardians of students in the foundation to manage the social, education and da'wah in the An Najah Foundation Pesantren Hidayatullah Branch Pati. But because it has become like my family then nerve themselves to offer investment Hereafter this blog in the hope that I have nice hands that shed hidden money to a savings account of the mosque committee Pesantren Hidayatullah An Najah Foundation Branch Pati Endowments Investment in the form of Cash. We invite you all to participate in a free land that we akan waqafkan into the mosque for the sake of society and education in complex school which has foundation management.


Cash receipts image Wakaf Rp 250.000,00

For programs that are offered Endowments Investment Cash that is in the form of charitable money in a certain amount that is usually in the famous Indonesian wakaf is in the form of goods such as land, building materials and so forth. But we offer Endowments Investment Cash distribution to facilitate this intention through all your accounts at the bank so you do not have to be difficult for the Pati wakaf in the form of building materials for example. For Cash Investment Endowments we offer and the amount of Rp 50,000.00 Rp 250,000.00. Indeed wakaf cash is not common in Indonesia but in the countries of the Middle East wakaf cash is what the free education there, as in the State of Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Yemen.

You can distribute this Cash Investment Endowments to an account. Yayasan An Najah BPD Jateng No.113-300-617-394-0 or bank BRI No.0066-01.010380-50-3. Looking stretch our hands to all of you participating in the Cash Investment Endowments of the Hereafter is an investment that will lead in money to all of you with more from the Almighty God 'Azaa wa Jalla I hope it. Amen.